Saturday, January 10, 2009

San Francisco Trip

I added pictures of our trip to my blog site. Please go there and see them. Here are a few of me while we were there.
This is at the Oakland Temple Visitor Center
This is on the BART from San Francisco to Concord. I think it was a 45 minute trip.

This is at the windiest street in the world, Lombard St. I was so tired, we probably had walked 10 miles by this point including the HILLS. I was so worn out and it was freezing.

I'm not sure where this was taken, I will tell you this, we walked it and I was so tired. If I'm not mistaken, that is Alcatraz behind me. That was awesome.

1 comment:

S and J plus 4 said...

I hope you enjoyed Frisco! I love it there and hope to take Steven there soon after he returns. Luckily I have family there we can stay with!